AHC’s Summer Soiree and the Vision Ahead

Sept. 5, 2024

Heather Flint Chatto and Peggy Moretti together at the Summer Soiree

On August 28th, the Architectural Heritage Center hosted our Summer Soiree Reception to introduce and welcome our new Executive Director, Heather Flint Chatto!

At this open house, we were joined by over 100 AHC members, showcased our freshly updated gallery exhibits, as well as our latest acquisition: the immense 1970s-era wooden model of downtown Portland. Our new E.D. shared her experience as a professional urban planner and environmental designer and her exciting vision for the AHC.

Heather Flint Chatto presenting at the Architectural Heritage Center

AHC Executive Director presenting on the "Vision Ahead"

As the AHC’s Executive Director, Heather is looking forward to continuing on the work of our past directors and honoring their legacy as well as expanding upon the AHC’s great work with preservation and advocacy. Heather will carry the torch Ben and Jerry first lit back in 1986 when they dreamed of a center for historic preservation, education, and action!

The night was full of live music by Bigger Nova, fun conversations with old and new friends, and a great look at what the AHC has in store for the upcoming year. Thank you to those of you who were able to join us and thank you to all of you who were there in spirit!

Our vision for the new year includes growing our impact with special new opportunities:

  • Elevating the AHC as a cultural hub in the Central Eastside

    Engaging more diverse audiences and cultural partners

  • Expanding our collection reach and accessibility

  • Leveraging the historic model of Downtown Portland for increased education (images below, before restoration)

Though we are more than halfway through 2024, the AHC is looking forward to a great 2025 with even more exciting exhibits, facility upgrades, advocacy, and outreach! Overall, the AHC will be moving forward as thought leaders, culture bearers, storytellers, and innovators for the future of Portland.

A sneak peak below in the slides from Heather’s presentation.

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Walking Tour Docent, Research Associate, Collections Support, Welcome Desk Volunteer, Marketing Assistant


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